Deposition Resources

Deposit Options

Prepare Data

Deposition Preparation Tools

Data Extraction
  • pdb_extract: Extract and harvest data in PDBx/mmCIF format from structure determination programs
  • SF-Tool : Convert structure factor files among various formats
Data Format Conversion
  • PDBML2CIF: Convert PDBML-format data into PDBx/mmCIF-format
  • PointSuite: Generate symmetry records for macromolecular assemblies with point and helical symmetries
  • MAXIT: Translate data between file formats and more

Validate Data

Validation Services

Validation reports contain an assessment of the quality of a structure and highlight specific concerns by considering the coordinates of the model, the experimental data and the fit between the two. Easily interpretable summary information that compares the quality of a model with that of other models in the archive will help users of PDB data to critically assess archived entries and to select the most appropriate structural models for their needs. These reports are developed using the recommendations of the wwPDB Validation Task Forces.

Reports for released entries are available from Structure Summary pages.

Validation reports for manuscript reviewers are created during annotation of deposited structures.

Information and  example Validation Reports (at wwpdb.org).

Check your X-ray, NMR, or EM structures before depositing (standalone server).

Deposit Data

Deposit 3D macromolecular structure data to the PDB
Deposit 3D macromolecular structure data to the PDB


Have non-atomic coordinates, multi-scale structures obtained through integrative/hybrid (I/H) methods? Deposit at PDB-IHM which is a prototype deposition and archiving system for structural models obtained through integrative/hybrid (I/H) methods.

Deposition Help

Questions about your deposition?


Please report any encountered broken links to [email protected]
Last updated: 1/9/2025