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Crystal Structure of the copper-free Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase complexed with a caddie protein in the monoclinic crystal External Resource: Annotation Chains Type Family Name Domain Identifier Family Identifier Provenance Source (Version) B SCOP2B Superfamily Tyrosinase-specific caddie protein-like 8107026 3002870 SCOP2B (2022-06-29) D SCOP2B Superfamily Tyrosinase-specific caddie protein-like 8107026 3002870 SCOP2B (2022-06-29)
Chains Family Name Domain Identifier Architecture Possible Homology Homology Topology Family Provenance Source (Version) B MelC1 e1wx5B1 A: a+b two layers X: SH2 (From Topology) H: SH2 (From Topology) T: SH2 F: MelC1 ECOD (1.6) D MelC1 e1wx5D1 A: a+b two layers X: SH2 (From Topology) H: SH2 (From Topology) T: SH2 F: MelC1 ECOD (1.6) A Tyrosinase e1wx5A1 A: alpha arrays X: Di-copper centre-containing domain (From Topology) H: Di-copper centre-containing domain (From Topology) T: Di-copper centre-containing domain F: Tyrosinase ECOD (1.6) C Tyrosinase e1wx5C1 A: alpha arrays X: Di-copper centre-containing domain (From Topology) H: Di-copper centre-containing domain (From Topology) T: Di-copper centre-containing domain F: Tyrosinase ECOD (1.6)
Chains Accession Name Description Comments Source PF00264 Common central domain of tyrosinase (Tyrosinase) Common central domain of tyrosinase This family also contains polyphenol oxidases and some hemocyanins. Binds two copper ions via two sets of three histidines. This family is related to Pfam:PF00372. Domain
Chains Polymer Molecular Function Biological Process Cellular Component MelC - tyrosinase - -